Tuesday 7 August 2012

Ophcrack - Windows Password Cracker

Ophcrack is a free Windows Password Cracker which can be termed as the best password recovery software for Windows.  It is fast and easy to use for any user with minimum Windows skill.

Ophcrack is free
It can crack 99.9% of Windows Passwords
It just takes few minutes for the task
No need to install any software

How to do it?

1.   Download live CD from Live CD.

2.   Burn the iso file into a CD.
3.   Change the BIOS setting to enable "Boot from CD" (This basically means changing the boot order) 

4.   Put the Live CD in to the CD drive and restart the PC.

5.   When the message "Press any key to boot from CD" comes up, hit any one of the keys.

And here is it the program has started to crack the password.

That's it!
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